Please fill out our Vendor Application you would like to be a vendor at our annual From the Land Festival. This information is required for Form S-240 – Wisconsin Temporary Event Report Instructions. Thank You.

Legal Business Name: If the vendor is a sole proprietor leave blank
Doing Business As (DBA) Name: The name commonly used by the business if different than the legal business name. Leave blank if not applicable.
Wisconsin Seller’s Permit Number: A Wisconsin seller’s permit number has 15 digits and begins with 456 (456-xxxxxxxxxx-xx). Sellers may apply for a Wisconsin seller’s permit at
The last 4 digits of the SSN are required.
If Applicable
Exemption Code: If the vendor claims an exemption from collecting and remitting sales tax, enter the exemption code number. Exemptions are limited to the four listed reasons.
Multi-Level Marketing Company Name: Required if claiming exemption code 2. Enter name of company that remitted the tax.
Make a Selection
Your business will be listed in the Featured Vendor dIrectory on our website. We will include a description of your business and products, your logo or picture of your products, and a link to your website or social media profile. In addition, we will make 1 post on social media about you within 60 days of the event. This listing and your website or social media link will remain up on our website for years to come in the archives. We get inquiries throughout the year asking about previous vendors. This makes it easy for shoppers to find your business again.

*If you choose the Website and Social Media add on, your business will be listed in the Featured Vendors section of our website.

No electricity provided.  If inside by outlets you may use for lights only, no electric heaters.
All hot food vendors must have menu items preapproved.  No drink sales unless approved. 

After application approval you will be sent an invoice and map. Pick your top 3 spaces. We will try to accommodate everyone, but it’s first come first serve.  *Make all checks payable to Najmot Farms

No refunds unless the event is canceled. 


Acorn Ridge Motel, W3910 Hwy. 23/73, Princeton, WI 54968 •(920) 295-6533

Boarders, 1219 W. Fond du Lac, Ripon, WI 54971 • (920) 748-7578