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Creating art out of found objects.

I have been painting and creating for most of my life.  I love to paint brightly colored flowers, abstract designs and whimsical objects. I live in rural Wisconsin, where people are very friendly and always willing to help out.  I obtain many of the items I use in my art from family and friends who no longer need them.  They always say, “I would rather give them to you than throw them away.”  Keeping these items out of the landfill is a win for us all. I am an avid gardener, animal lover, traveler and photographer and am always finding inspiration in these things.   I am always willing to try something new and love a challenge.   My goal is to CREATE EVERY DAY!

Website: https://www.milltownartworks.com/ Facebook /milltownartworks Instagram: /milltownartworks/

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Find Milltown Artworks in the wire corn crib at From the Land
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Milltown Artworks – creating art out of found objects

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